Lakeland Loop Cycle Sportive 2019

Lakeland Loop Cycle Sportive 2019

Chip timeParticipant
6:38:57John Musson
6:43:02Chris Myles
4:51:30Andy Naylor
5:30:35Ian Neilson
6:13:30Ashley Newstead
6:02:03Alex Newton
5:05:16Darren Noble
6:04:33John Nolan
6:04:30Mike Nolan
7:01:53Trevor Norman
6:15:45Matthew Norton
5:53:11Seamus Norton
7:20:59Iain Nussey
5:59:18Ben O'sullivan
6:40:58Lindsay Oakes
4:47:11Andrew Oglanby
7:16:44Hakan Oktem
4:32:00John Oliver
7:20:39Sean Oneill
6:23:56John Osborne
7:48:04Brian Owen
6:25:30David Owen
4:11:20Will Page
6:32:09Ian Palfrey
4:54:36Glyn Pardy
5:20:49Richard Parker
6:22:49Simon Parker
5:30:21Dave Parsons
5:49:07Kelly Parsons
5:41:13Aisling Patterson
7:00:51Malcolm Peacock
7:31:39Neil Peacock
6:00:53Carl Pearson
5:21:12Jason Pedley
6:07:34Phil Peers
5:47:01Henry Pemberton
6:24:28Neil Permain
5:27:30Campbell Perry
7:01:44Adrian Phillips
6:55:48Alison Phillips
6:53:30Scott Phillips
6:21:06Stuart Phillipson
5:44:25Andrew Pickering
6:07:08Mark Pilkington
7:34:42Kevin Platt
6:08:41Adam Pointon
6:20:21Kevin Polhill
5:20:24Chris Polkinghorn
7:16:08Dave Pope
4:57:00Neil Porter

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: