Thames Turbo Triathlon #1 2013


Chrissie Betts

Finish time

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance Triathlon #1
Weather 1.5 m/s
-2 °C
-4.1 °C (chill factor)
Swim 9:53 0.43 km
Transition 1 6:02
Bike 52:13 21 km
Transition 2 2:45
Run 29:21 5 km
Participant (#222)
Chrissie Betts
30-34 female

Age category is calculated based on the birthyear of the athlete. The age at 31 December 2013.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
Swim 0.43 km 9:53 2:19 min/100m 9:53 08:11:18
Split time Total time
Time Time Time of day
T1 6:02 15:55 08:17:20
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
Cycle 21 km 52:13 24.13 km/h 1:08:08 09:09:33
Split time Total time
Time Time Time of day
DZ 5:49 1:13:57 09:15:22
Split time Total time
Time Time Time of day
T2 2:45 1:16:42 09:18:07
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
Run 5 km 29:21 5:52 min/km 1:46:03 09:47:28
Race Statistics
Completed participants divided by chip time

Please note that the T1 times are actual times taken. Times less than 5 minutes are ignored because of the cold weather rule. Any time over 5 minutes will have that amount added: for example, a T1 of 2:20 will get no T1 time included in the total time but a T1 time of 6:10 will incur a time of 1:10 which will be added to the total time.

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