Hadleigh 2012 Legacy 10k 2015~


Pos.Finish time Participant
2011:07:22Adam Sargent
2021:07:23Terry Allen
2031:07:25Tina Hart
2041:07:26Tim Ward
2051:07:28Lee Cohen
2061:07:31Eloise Bird
2071:07:34Samantha Boshell
2081:07:42Hayley Black
2091:07:45Sue Ferguson
2101:07:48Robert Baker
2101:07:48Gemma Wise
2121:07:53Charlotte Monks
2131:07:55Anne Marie Newman
2141:08:01Mark Vincent
2151:08:03Bob Chapman
2161:08:05Paul Falco
2171:08:21Raoul Grantham
2181:08:22Adam Titmas
2181:08:22Steven Pepper
2201:08:25James Riley
2211:08:30Anthony Farrugia
2221:08:44Paul Darby
2231:08:46Keith Horwood
2241:08:49Thomas Hickey
2251:08:56Kennedy Emson
2261:09:01Amber Snooks
2271:09:19Adam Luck
2271:09:19Kerry Bridge
2291:09:24Jean Greaves
2301:09:28Richard Barnes
2301:09:28Brett Bowen
2321:09:33Zoe Storrar
2331:09:36Mick Staines
2341:09:38Ian Williams
2351:09:49Craig Clayton
2361:09:52Colin Mcwilliams
2371:10:00Debby Lincoln
2371:10:00Caroline Adlem
2391:10:01Claire Kinna
2401:10:07Julie Letts
2411:10:46Lian Pettit
2421:10:48Carl Perry
2421:10:48Kim Ballantyne
2441:10:50Josh Heffernan
2451:10:57Jane Noble
2461:11:10Clare Bendall
2471:11:37Victoria Hollins-Baker
2481:11:49Vicki Robins
2491:11:51David Jackson
2501:12:13Debby Eaton

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: info@nice-work.org.uk