Ride of the Falling Leaves 2015


Chip timeParticipant
4:01:41Joey Mahon
4:01:40Matt Mahon
4:01:41Alasdair Manson
4:13:30Brian Marcel
-Nick Marchini
5:50:32Francesca Maritati
4:03:24Fran Marshall
3:09:48Chris Martin
4:01:41Nicholas Martin
3:48:44Alex Mcfarlane
4:31:44Jennifer Mclaren
3:36:57Charlotte Meins
-Roger Morgan
4:43:18Kathryn Morris
-Paul Morrissey
-Alex Moss
2:57:38James Mossman
3:07:22David Moynihan
3:42:36Charlotte Munden
3:38:26Michael Nestor
-Finaly Newmark
-Tove Okunniwa
3:19:30Chris Parker
-Chris Parrott
5:06:32Julian Parsons
5:19:33Ivor Patterson
3:48:09Rebecca Patton
4:49:33Billy Paulett
-Richard Piercy
4:19:45Marilyn Pogson
3:29:10Lawrence Potter
3:47:46Jim Poulter
3:47:53Zhanna Povaliaev
-Mark Reader
4:41:00Jeremy Reichardt
4:12:10Roger Richards
3:07:41Angela Riddell
3:20:12Charlie Ritchie
3:42:11Chris Rowell
2:52:27David Roxby
4:59:28Andrew Russell
4:44:56Aleksandra Rydzewska
3:47:47Samantha Sankey
3:49:47Ken Saunders
2:55:30Dean Sellis
4:42:25Rupert Simons
2:47:45Ed Simpson
2:47:46Tom Simpson
3:30:20Jonathan Slade
4:01:46Hester Steedman

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.