H4H Hero Ride East and West 100 Sportives 2015


Chip timeParticipant
7:03:34Michael Payne
8:38:54Johnny Perkins
10:56:55Hugo Petty
-Ian Pike
8:41:21James Pike
10:31:22Alison Powell
10:31:23Ian Powell
9:41:47Anna Prideaux
10:20:55Dave Proctor
7:56:40Dominic Purvis
8:44:22Mike Randell
-Ben Read
9:41:55Jennifer Read
8:54:36Daniel Reid
6:55:35Nicholas Reid
10:20:55Leslie Rhodes
11:04:06Sean Roberts
10:08:16Paul Robertson
9:41:52Dawn Rose
7:03:34Tom Ryall
7:03:34Paul Sefton
8:10:56Malcolm Shaw
9:49:57Emily Simpson
9:45:44Carla Smith
9:40:11Ashley Stafford-Hey
9:45:20Liza Stearne
9:58:02Jonathan Steel
9:48:32Tim Steel
10:08:15Lucy Steele
10:36:29Vincent Sullivan
10:47:28Melissa Tacchi
10:09:56Kris Tarry
9:43:36Mick Taylor
10:01:45Keith Thompson
7:12:05Richard Thompson
10:38:09Jordan Town
10:38:11Kevin Town
8:13:40Paul Tucker
7:29:57Simon Vannerley
10:08:12Dan Walsh
9:41:50Anne Walton
9:56:06Gary Ward
10:01:46Joanne Watler
7:31:07Sean Watmore
8:19:02Sarah Watts
8:35:02Paul Wheeler
8:48:23Chris White
7:56:39Max Wildsmith
8:48:51Neil Williams
8:19:38Neil Wilson

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.