Tri Athy 2015


Pos.Participant Finish time
DNFMichael Murphy-
DNFBrian Ruhlmann-
DNSNoel Boyle-
DNSAidan Connolly-
DNSAine Donegan-
DNSAnthony Finn-
DNSDavid Graham-
DNSKate Kelly-
DNSPaul Lovett-
DNSJack Lynch-
DNSConal Mcbride-
DNSPeter Millen-
DNSFergal Naughton-
DNSZiemowit Jimmy Sobieraj-
DNSLouise Togneri-
DNSVal Vaughan-
DNSConor Walsh-

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.