Canterbury Half Marathon 2015~


Pos.Finish time Participant
1011:45:32Simon Ballard
1021:45:53Daniel Mackell
1031:45:57Richard Dryland
1041:46:00Peter Jackson
1051:46:09Richard Clarke
1061:46:12Paul Yokom
1071:46:16Lee Davey
1081:46:28Noel Finegan
1091:46:30Gordon Watson
1101:46:39Terence Snowball
1111:46:42Ian Tyrrell
1121:46:44John Still
1131:46:45Kerry Pearce
1141:46:55Claire Fielding
1151:46:57Alistair Haley
1161:47:00Lee Butters
1171:47:18Kenn Saffery
1181:47:29Mark Ransom
1191:47:44Paul Elderton
1201:47:59Mike Laycock
1211:48:06John Poole
1221:48:17Duncan Ralph
1231:48:27Alison Davey
1241:48:33Lucy Clarke
1251:48:35Gary McDonald
1261:48:37Mark Gaitley
1271:48:39James Maddocks
1281:48:51David Gould
1291:49:00Edward Breen
1301:49:09Mark Rogers
1311:49:14Martin Salmon
1321:49:32Robert Brunger
1331:49:44Philipp Sommer
1341:49:45Sam Brown
1351:49:46Jim Collis
1361:49:48Wayne Kucharski
1371:50:02Paul Dearman
1381:50:34Richard Bayliss
1391:50:53Rob Tippett
1401:51:02Wayne Cobbett
1411:51:08Brandon Waters
1421:51:27Lloyd Huitson
1431:51:35Daniel Miller
1441:52:05Ellen Rowe
1451:52:09Jonathan Bright
1461:52:10Michael Breame
1471:52:11Emma Stockley
1481:52:40Luke Edmonds
1491:52:57Adam Newman
1501:52:59Ray Osborne

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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