KTG Rut 2015


Chip timeParticipant
5:56:15Megan Silvester
5:07:48Andy Sly
5:45:20Chris Smith
4:50:39Andrew Spencer
5:14:23Edward Spencer
6:17:04Martin Stainer
4:57:06Ashley Starr
-Darren Stevenson
6:23:53Dave Stubbles
5:26:18Lucy Sturgess
5:08:33Lindsay Taylor-Haynes
5:49:41Paul Tomlin
4:57:08Richard Tunney
5:14:25Chrissie Twigg
5:04:11Jon Vogel
4:44:28Bryn Walters
5:22:27Jason Watts
5:19:45Mark Westwood
5:04:13Brent White
5:26:25Colin Williams
4:29:40Dan Wilson
5:26:24Stephen Wood
5:40:55Jonathan Wragg
5:09:08Spencer Wright
5:22:32Abbey Young

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.