Corporate event - MCCA/Marketing Triathlon


Pos.Chip time Participant
1511:16:49Simon Williams
1521:16:50Nic Lowry
1531:16:51Jonathan Eyles
1541:17:00Team In the bag!
1551:17:07Andrew Conway
1561:17:09David Robson
1571:17:12Stewart Rawnsley
1581:17:16Tim Hutchen
1581:17:16Ian Kitchen
1601:17:20Team De & j levy - team 1
1611:17:22Darren Turnbull
1611:17:22Team Very shaw!
1631:17:27Henry Fry
1641:17:29Duncan Good
1651:17:30Mark Harris
1661:17:34Robert Game
1661:17:34Philip Cazenove
1681:17:35Angus Minford
1681:17:35Team Bluefin beasts
1701:17:38Jason Holden
1701:17:38Team Plowman craven 1
1721:17:39Team Ehouse
1721:17:39Carey O'dowd
1721:17:39Edward Gunnery
1751:17:41Simon Wigzell
1761:17:42Team """the good, the not s"
1771:17:43Toby Hessian
1781:17:46Team The cranleigh boys
1791:17:48Richard Dickson
1801:17:51Team Rocket agents
1811:17:54Team Dron & wright featur
1821:17:55Team Protego on and on an
1821:17:55Ian Marshall
1841:17:58Paul Stuart
1851:17:59Clive Newnham
1861:18:00Team Southwark a team
1871:18:03Robert Grande
1881:18:04Daniel Cusack
1891:18:05Team Cw2
1901:18:06Team Foxtrot
1911:18:10Richard Batten
1911:18:10Rob Myers
1931:18:12Thomas Chamberlayne
1941:18:13Team Daniel watney i
1951:18:23Matthew Turner
1961:18:24Sam Carson
1971:18:27Alastair Mant
1981:18:34Tim Shaw
1991:18:36Team Bnp paribas real est
2001:18:40Ian Williams

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