BHF - Blenheim Palace 2019

BHF - Blenheim Palace 2019


Fergus Dalton

Chip time

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance Half Marathon
Speed 4.39 mph
Pace 13:39 min/mile
Chiptime as 21-29 year-old 02:58:15
(Based on age factor)
Participant (#227)
Fergus Dalton
All male

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 29 September 2019.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
3 Miles
5.1 Miles
10.9 Miles
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
3 Miles 36:08 36:08 11:12:18
5.1 Miles 27:18 1:03:26 11:39:36
10.9 Miles 1:17:46 2:21:12 12:57:22
Finish 13.1 Miles 37:48 2:53 min/mile 2:59:00 13:35:10
Total 13.1 Miles 2:59:00 13:39 min/mile 2:59:00 13:35:10
Race Statistics
Completed participants divided by chip time

Contact Results Base