Mary Berrington
Shown results have been verified and approved

Chip time

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance MK Winter Half Marathon
Speed 10.70 km/h
Pace 5:36 min/km
Chiptime as 21-29 year-old 01:45:29
(Based on age factor)
Participant (#1726)
Mary Berrington
Veteran 45+ female

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 12 December 2021.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
3mile 4700 metres 25:38 5:27 min/km 25:38 09:52:24
6mile 5000 metres 26:33 5:18 min/km 52:11 10:18:57
9mile 4900 metres 28:37 5:50 min/km 1:20:48 10:47:34
Finish 6500 metres 37:38 5:47 min/km 1:58:26 11:25:12
Total 21100 metres 1:58:26 5:36 min/km 1:58:26 11:25:12
Race Statistics
Completed participants divided by chip time

Contact Results Base