LMCC 10k 2023


Pos.Finish time Participant
1011:05:35Steve Harding
1021:05:50Becca Thain
1031:06:14Matt Line-hayward
1041:06:34Jo Green
1051:06:46Colin Phillips
1061:07:14Richard Ball
1071:07:51Helen Street
1081:08:12Melanie Williams
1091:08:13Robert Williams
1101:08:30James Lea
1111:08:46Dinesh Khurana
1121:09:00Emma Beckwith
1131:09:01Robert Wye
1141:11:13Louise Coster
1151:12:29Zain Rehman
1161:13:04Jo Harding
1171:13:11Charley Stevens
1181:16:55Neil Davis
1191:18:12Mark Willis
1201:20:51Kimberley Savage
1211:22:48Ali Rutherford
1221:23:52Michelle Capp
1231:23:53Steve Chapman

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: lmccfunrun@gmail.com