MITIE London Revolution 2015


Chip timeParticipant
10:33:01Rachit Kinger
5:45:00Richard Kingsley-smith
7:43:09Michael Kinnane
7:57:07Kevin Kirby
7:57:12Kieran Kirby
6:13:00Ian Kirk
8:18:07Paul Kirk
7:31:26Philip Kirk
7:16:46Ian Kirkpatrick
6:59:52John Kisly
7:41:20James Knowlson
6:01:09Peter Krischka
6:50:51Rowan Krzysiak
8:11:06Francis Kucera
11:23:52Graham Lacey
8:53:19Sean Lacey
8:21:52Bella Lagnado
6:39:01Trevor Lake
6:21:59Chris Lamb
7:09:30Tony Lamb
7:37:37Helen Lambard
7:22:00Nigel Lambe
7:32:52Roly Lambert
-Barry Lammin
6:36:06Karen Landells
6:55:42William Landon
8:03:27Karen Lang
8:29:59Janice Langton
8:37:31Martin Large
9:06:18Steve Larken
8:40:11Stella Larkin
6:42:25Stephen Laverack
7:16:55Chris Law
7:27:45Chris Lawford
8:50:38Richard Lees
8:31:40Andrew Leggett
8:05:02Thomas Legones
8:08:19Irene Leitner
9:14:52Edward Leming
8:50:17Adrian Lenton
8:53:47Lauren Lepley
5:56:32Matt Lester
6:48:55Richard Lester
8:17:44Nick Lever
7:20:30Adam Lewis
6:12:59John Paul Liddle
8:39:24Marcia Lin
8:17:31Julie Linsdell
7:35:58Steve Littlewood
6:44:50Ian Lloyd

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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