MITIE London Revolution 2015


Chip timeParticipant
8:11:09Bruce Lloyd-taylor
6:59:41Robert Lloyd-taylor
7:34:51Malcolm Lockhart
7:34:38Simon Lodge
8:38:10Alfred Loeliger
6:59:30David Lofthouse
9:33:52John Lomas-bullivant
7:13:17Joey Long
7:01:34Peter Long
9:44:51Martin Lord
7:18:01Fiona Love
7:18:02Richard Love
6:53:28Shane Lovell
6:25:51Steve Lowell
9:11:21Sam Lucas
7:18:23Mark Lund
7:18:24Paul Lund
9:17:51David Lunt
7:07:28Kiera Lyness
-Steven Macdonald
-Kennie Mackender
8:26:55Andrew Mackenzie
7:34:39Adam Mackie
9:38:13Alan Maddox
7:55:01Ken Maddox
7:37:37Caroline Maggs
9:11:08James Maidment
9:03:45Nelson Manthorpe
8:33:16Trent Mapp
10:03:20Ute Marke
7:07:28Rafael Marks
5:50:53Robert Markwick
8:12:57Cliff Marshall
7:34:09David Marshall
8:36:16Lucinda Marshall
8:36:17Stuart Marshall
6:14:06Alexandra Martin
7:23:12James Martin
8:59:17Tony Martinez
7:45:14Laura Mason
8:18:56Spencer Mason
8:17:44John Mather
7:14:17Andrew Matsis
8:08:07Dominic Matthews
6:36:22Paul Mayers
8:23:37Alistair Mcauley
7:27:19Nick Mccaffrey
5:41:59Maitiu Mccarthy
6:50:40Calum Mcclenaghan
6:00:39William Mccoll

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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