MITIE London Revolution 2015


Chip timeParticipant
8:44:57Thomas Pugh
7:52:07Jeremy Punter
9:37:55Neil Purrett
8:40:36Nic Purton
6:58:35Jules Pyke
5:58:19Richard Quinn
8:52:24Robert Raby
7:28:24Chris Radley
6:30:45Tom Raftery
6:49:27James Ralph
7:59:37Adam Ramsey
6:21:56Michael Ranson
8:49:54Ejaz Rashid
6:52:54Kris Rawcliffe
8:08:10Philippa Reed
7:49:31David Reekie
7:41:19Dan Rees
7:59:52Tony Reeve
8:18:53Eugene Regis
7:26:48Nicholas Reilly
8:16:51Luke Remsbery
7:13:23Andy Renshaw
10:24:27Hayley Reynolds
6:56:18Tom Reynolds
8:05:30Ellena Rhodes
8:19:32Kevin Rhone
6:12:15Martin Richardson
6:48:59Paul Richings
6:18:03Andrew Ridgeley
7:16:25Graeme Ritchie
9:24:46Emre Rizaner
8:50:18Kate Roberts
7:56:48Wayne Roberts
7:13:23Jared Robinson
8:35:54Peter Robinson
6:53:29Richard Robinson
7:45:54Steve Robinson
8:17:00Chris Roddick
7:10:16Pedro Rodrigues
8:13:29Steven Roffe
8:13:27Terence Roffe
7:58:52Daniel Rogers
7:04:36Simon Rogers
10:29:45Darren Roland
6:51:53Alan Rooney
8:03:47Andrew Roser
8:58:51Paul Roughan
7:55:06Brian Roulstone
6:47:04James Rowe
9:49:37Rick Rowlands

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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