MITIE London Revolution 2015


Chip timeParticipant
8:34:39Ian Russell
9:09:17Jayne Russell
-Peter Salter
-Tim Santini
8:50:17Alex Sashenkov
6:25:49Adam Sawford
9:29:39Maria Sbuttoni
7:38:38Kerry Scammell
7:40:11Richard Scammell
9:10:02Stewart Scarff
8:47:38Yoyo Schepers
9:25:54Georgina Schiffers
7:22:39Michael Schubart
8:13:51Calli Scott
8:13:55Charles Scudamore
8:13:54Edward Scudamore
9:16:38Heidi Sedgeman
7:32:30Samantha Segger
9:31:10Jonathan Sell
7:50:04Stephanie Setters
8:16:53Sam Severe
7:59:52Paresh Shah
7:26:47Gavin Sharp
7:06:29Kirsty Sharp
5:58:20Tom Sharp
7:38:11Elise Shearan
10:21:48John Sherwood
7:33:21Ben Shirt
7:33:37Johnathan Shirt
8:00:12Paul Shore
7:23:14Matt Shue
8:18:54Pol Sifter
7:34:03Ian Simpson
8:08:07Rory Singleton
6:25:12Chris Skillicorn
7:23:10Paul Skillicorn
6:28:59Richard Skinner
7:35:46David Slater
8:33:57Simon Slater
6:36:09Stanley Smit
7:14:38Alan Smith
7:18:29Deborah Smith
-Felicity Smith
6:01:13Henry Smith
8:00:12Hillas Smith
5:27:27Kate Smith
7:20:17Robert Smith
8:10:33Scott Smith
8:06:04Stephen Smith
-Andy South

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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