The Fred Whitton Challenge 2017

The Fred Whitton Challenge 2017


Chip timeParticipant
8:39:36Jeremy Ward
9:18:27Jeremy Woodham
7:40:00Jerrod Hartley
12:22:12Jes Mawhood
6:58:52Jez Carrick
6:31:00Jez Reynard
9:10:59Jill Woolaghan
8:04:49Jim Armitage
9:19:34Jim Farrow
8:05:39Jim Fleet
9:35:39Jim Harbord
8:51:38Jim Nolan
7:07:39Jim Peters
8:04:40Jim Rose
9:02:30Jim Spartan Leonard
7:32:33Jo Jebb
7:50:50Joanna Waterton
10:43:09Joanne May
9:47:09Jody Evans
7:37:37Joe Berresford
10:05:23Joe Cotton
9:20:52Joe Evans
9:14:09Joe Finucane
10:44:58Joe Freites
9:49:43Joe Maguire
6:52:16Joe Moore
8:13:50Joe Thompson
8:16:04Joe Vernon
8:09:01Joe Whitely
8:25:50Joel Marshall
7:08:05John Austin Wade
9:10:30John Banks
7:28:16John Bateson
7:20:01John Blackledge
9:24:39John Blackledge
6:31:52John Bolton
7:54:32John Bramwell
10:44:58John Bricklebank
12:35:01John Brierley
9:04:50John Brierly
6:31:31John Brown
10:42:27John Burns
8:29:37John Cleland
8:16:26John Coulston
9:10:56John Coupe
8:57:46John Crofts
9:05:34John Cundale
7:15:57John Garnsey
6:56:40John Glaister
7:30:40John Gledhill

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