The Fred Whitton Challenge 2017

The Fred Whitton Challenge 2017


Chip timeParticipant
8:09:52Rupert Finn
8:44:32Rupert Stephens
10:16:36Russ Procter
8:54:20Russell Bennett
6:51:03Russell Clark
8:18:52Russell Kesley
9:44:01Russell Lazenby
7:55:40Russell Powers
10:19:38Russell Williams
7:40:14Ruth Crewe
9:43:28Ryan Ballantyne
11:37:58Ryan Duncan
8:40:41Ryan Finn
6:20:02Ryan Howarth
8:16:09Ryan Lamb
9:46:56Ryan Mcglen
8:42:05Ryan Postlethwaite
11:18:22Ryan Richards
8:03:05Sadayu Piboolvitayakul
8:02:47Sally Buckworth
10:14:19Sally Middlemiss
9:42:51Sam Bedford
7:09:14Sam Corden
8:30:03Sam Evans
6:50:19Sam Galloway
7:38:41Sam Jones
9:30:12Sam Lendhill
8:32:13Sam Maclaren
10:00:00Sam Maxson
7:29:34Sam Moore
8:34:06Sam Stephenson
11:17:23Sam Stewardson
6:50:41Sam Walker
6:31:38Sam Wild
8:37:30Samantha Sankey
7:21:53Samuel Brewster
9:42:38Samuel Wells
11:39:59Sarah Binns
10:17:49Sarah Crilley
8:53:59Sarah Gleave
8:50:50Sarah Lewis
9:53:46Sarah Nelson
9:23:36Sarah Phelps
10:27:26Sarah Smith
6:42:42Scott Carter
7:53:29Scott Dawson
7:54:08Scott Halliwell
9:06:12Scott Lindsay
6:49:35Scott Mccance
6:31:41Scott Murray

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