The Fred Whitton Challenge 2017

The Fred Whitton Challenge 2017


Chip timeParticipant
8:00:12Brendon Smurthwaite
7:13:25Brett Belshaw
9:50:30Brian Appleby
9:44:06Brian Cooper
8:01:30Brian Gornall
8:56:59Brian Manchester
8:20:53Brian Rycroft
-Brian Smith
4:32:02Brian Snead
9:30:05Brian Thoburn
7:42:07Bruce Luxton-Brookes
7:46:20Bruce Pringle
9:21:26Bruce Shann
10:11:53Bryan Butterworth
8:32:18Bryan Stadden
7:47:59Bryn Bevan
6:41:37Callum Appleby
6:42:32Callum Stewart
9:59:43Calum Cheyne
8:51:09Calum Mcvie
6:24:32Cameron Bowskill
9:43:14Cameron Reekie
8:55:01Carl Harrison
6:38:05Carlisle King
9:17:05Caroline Hoppe
-Caroline Parkin
7:44:21Carolyn Hunter-Rowe
11:16:59Catherine Alderson
9:33:34Catherine Hargreaves
7:41:58Catherine Litherland
7:47:46Catherine Moulton
8:57:14Catriona Tennant
7:54:18Caz Hallsworth
9:43:26Charles Bull
9:01:29Charles Rhodes
7:17:25Charles Sanders
6:33:34Charles Wade
8:04:33Charles Whitting
8:18:38Charlie Nairn
7:02:09Charlie Woodall
8:35:04Charlotte Milligan
8:47:03Chas King
9:24:12Chris Apperley
7:45:25Chris Barber
7:24:49Chris Batty
9:55:20Chris Bruney
8:20:40Chris Burnell
8:03:51Chris Chambers
8:13:14Chris Clarke
8:24:37Chris Coole

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