Ride of the Falling Leaves 2017


Bibno. Participant CategoryDistance
389Martin Burns-80k
390Martin Evans-110k
391Martin Gill-110k
392Martin Hayman-110k
357Martin Hayman-110k
393Martin Osman-80k
394Martin Smith-80k
395Martin Young-110k
396Massimo Conforti-80k
397Matt Donmall-110k
398Matt Morgan-110k
399Matt Osborne-110k
400Matt Packer-80k
401Matt Parsonage-80k
402Matthew Chiles-80k
403Matthew Layton-80k
605Matthew Noname-80k
404Matthew Oldfield-80k
405Matthew Warhurst-110k
406Matthew Wood-110k
407Max Capamagian-80k
408Max Cheatle-110k
409Max Menardi-110k
410Michael James-80k
411Michael Mckenna-80k
412Mick Slatter-110k
413Mike Brogan-110k
414Mike Burt-110k
415Mike Campin-80k
416Mike Evans-80k
417Mike Sims-110k
418Miles Bake-110k
419Millie Citton-110k
420Monika Kieller-Borkowska-80k
421Mouhammed Choukeir-80k
422Muir Sanderson-80k
423Nash Pradhan-80k
424Natalie Ruffell-110k
425Nathan Lodge-80k
426Neil Curry-110k
427Neil Gaffney-110k
428Neil Mallett-80k
429Neil Meadows-110k
430Ness Mitchell-80k
431Nicholas Stevens-80k
432Nicholas Waddell-110k
433Nick Holmes-80k
434Nick Kemp-80k
435Nick Keyworth-80k
436Nick Marchini-80k