Here is shown the latest 20 live times from the finish line. Updates in 15 seconds.

Chip time Participant
14:46:00Nicki Francis
14:45:53Ele Freret
13:01:20Tracey Rand
13:15:26Jayne Masters
13:15:24Paul Masters
12:25:30Carole Pullen
12:25:28Rachel Brown
12:47:13Gillian Pryer
12:47:12Jeanette Perry
11:59:22Alex Pugh
11:59:20Rebecca Henderson
11:59:20Zoe Manifold
13:36:01Angela Osbourne
13:35:59Suzanne Freeman
12:14:23Michelle Warren
12:14:26Laura Pettifer
12:14:19Suzie Hilton
13:54:48Sarah Sims
13:54:45Rachel Brandwood
13:53:56Nilima Islam