Victoria Liechti

Chip time

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance 21.9 Miles
Speed 3.44 km/h
Pace 17:27 min/km
Participant (#1576)
Victoria Liechti

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 30 June 2018.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
Pitstop 1 8500 metres 1:42:42 4.97 km/h 1:42:42 10:34:15
Lunch Stop 8000 metres 2:27:58 3.24 km/h 4:10:40 13:02:13
Pitstop 2 10500 metres 3:58:14 2.64 km/h 8:08:54 17:00:27
Finish 8240 metres 2:06:17 3.92 km/h 10:15:11 19:06:44
Total 35240 metres 10:15:11 3.44 km/h 10:15:11 19:06:44

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