Chip timeParticipant
6:30:20Jo Kervin
6:26:36Tariq Khawam
3:40:07Andrew Kilshaw
5:11:30Damian Kimmins
4:39:04Nicola King
5:30:58Timothy King
6:01:36Carl Knowles
5:14:54Michael Knowles
4:47:50Dominic Lakeland
4:02:47Steve Laughlin
-Kelly Laughton
4:54:19David Lawson
4:35:57Dave Lee
4:12:32Peter Lee
5:07:25Ian Lightfoot
4:04:32Garry Lindsay
4:11:27Scott Lindsay
3:06:49Ross Litherland
4:16:36Tom Loan
4:01:18David Lomas
3:26:42Rory Longmore
3:26:00David Longrigg
6:15:56Andrea Lowery
6:16:00Mark Lowery
4:59:13David Malcolm
3:43:04Tariq Malik
5:50:56Nicole Malloy
5:35:37Alistair Maltby
4:03:39David Mansergh
4:03:48Pauline Mansergh
4:06:01Gary Marle
4:11:45Lee Marquis
4:41:59Kevin Marsh
6:01:19Laurie Martin
4:14:28Adam Mason
5:04:59Alan Mather
4:09:43Richard Mattinson
5:33:37Rachel McBryde
3:56:57Robert McCann
5:15:41Elaine McClure
-Peter McClure
4:19:30Mark McDonald
4:31:05Mitch McGrath
5:00:52Michael McKenna
4:10:03Angus Mcmillan
4:47:19Neill Mcquire
5:51:12Jacky Mellis
5:51:13Mark Mellis
7:02:12Alison Miller
4:40:19Ian Miller

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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