The Terms and Conditions below apply to all entrants participating in the HOPE PRE PEAKS Event scheduled on Sunday August 18th 2019.
Completion of an entry form, ticket or purchase of an entry by or on behalf of the participant acknowledges acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
Rather Be Cycling Ltd & Hope Technology Ltd – are collectively termed as the Event Organisers throughout.
General Terms and Conditions
The Event Organisers have a responsibility and duty of care towards our participants. The following regulations are to be followed for the duration of the event. The Event Organisers accept no responsibility for participants who do not follow the events Terms and Conditions.
1) Participants understand that this event is designed as an on and off road cycle event for serious cyclists who have the strength, endurance and stamina to successfully complete the challenge. Participants understand that this requires a certain amount of training to be assured of success in completing the challenge within the set time frame, i.e. daylight hours, as weather allows or as instructed by the Event Organisers.
2) Participants must be over 18 years of age on the day of the event to participate.
3) The participant accepts that the event they are entering is not a race in any format. Times will be published for individuals only and anyone considered to be competing against others will be stopped from riding and unable to enter future events with the Event Organisers.
4) The participant is fully responsible for their actions whilst at the event. This includes at the event’s car park, start and finish areas, feed stations and during the ride on the route itself. The Event Organisers do not accept responsibility for the actions of the participant nor the consequences of such actions at any time during the event.
5) Participants, upon purchasing a ticket and prior to signing the registration document for the event, agree that they are mentally and physically capable of riding the event distance of the event in the allocated time frame. The Event Organisers have the final decision in directing clients onto a shorter route at the cut off point as required to assist them in reaching the finish line in the allocated time frame (as per the 2018 rider briefing notes).
6) Each participant takes full responsibility for any fees incurred or arsing from the need for repatriation.
7) Participants are responsible for the road / trail worthiness of their own cycle and that all of their equipment is of suitable standard for the duration of the event. In particular the ability to complete the longest distance and over rough and varied terrain.
8) Each participant understands the on / off road style of the HOPE Pre Peaks event they are entering and furthermore understands the arduous nature of the event, the terrain and style of riding.
9) Participants are responsible for their own visibility on the road, whilst at the start / finish area, feed stations and when cycling. The Event Organisers may remove unsafe riders from the route for their own safety and that of other road / trail users.
10) Participants agree that they will be set off in groups of 20 or fewer at intervals of no less than two minutes between the allocated time frames. Late arrivals at the start area will not be able to start and no refunds given.
11) It is mandatory that ALL participants wear a safety approved cycling helmet complying with latest ANSI Z90/4 OR SNELL standards. Any rider not wearing a helmet will not be covered by the event insurance and will be disqualified from the event and could be liable for damages if involved in an accident on that basis. The rider must accept this as a condition of entry.
12) Participation in the event is at the riders own risk. The Event Organisers will not be held responsible for any damage, injury or loss however caused. All participants are covered by third party insurance for the duration of the event. The cost of this is included in your entry fee. This insurance cover is adjudged void if the rider is seen to be riding negligently. The Event Organisers are covered for civil party liability.
13) Participants must obey all Highway Code rules. Participants are requested to ride in single file where appropriate and no more than two abreast at any time. Please be aware of your fellow cyclists and any other traffic / trail users. Please always indicate your intention to stop or change direction. All cyclists must adhere to and obey the Highway Code and laws of England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland where applicable and extend all reasonable courtesy to other road and off road users.
14) During the event, there will be arrows out for guidance along the route and warning signs at appropriate points on the road or trails. The absence of these signs does not signal there are no dangers approaching. It is the individual rider’s responsibility to make a decision regarding whether it is safe to ride / cross junctions & whether or not the trail / road is ride able – or whether they should proceed on bike / foot or not at all. The marking of the route does not necessarily indicate that the trail or road is safe / ride able and the participant is deemed to make their own decisions for the duration of the event. The Event Organisers cannot be held responsible for any signage tampering on the day of the event.
15) The Event Organisers cannot take responsibility if you deviate from the route and this puts you behind / away from the event resources. You will be given a map / GPX file from the start to the finish and there will be signage marking the route. Direction will be indicated by the map or signs placed before, at or after junctions. It is the responsibility of all riders to take the correct route.
16) Any marked route is shown for guidance only and the Event Organisers do not insist that you use the route shown. Therefore if the rider chooses to ride a section, it is entirely their own choice. If they choose a different route to avoid obstacles or sections they decide are beyond their capability, they do so entirely at their own risk.
17) Participants may not use mobile phone when riding and if taking or making calls must do it safely at the side of the road or trail.
18) Participants may not use any form or personal entertainment requiring headphones through a phone, iPod etc.
19) Individual support cars are strictly forbidden; any participants seen to use one will be taken out of the event, disqualified and not covered by third party insurance.
20) Riders must not to drop or leave any litter on any part of the route and to dispose of it responsibly at an appropriate place or bin. Any rider found littering will be disqualified from the event.
21) Riders are expected to respect the roads, villages and countryside that the events travel through. It should be noted that this is both a working landscape and home to many communities. Riders stopping for a comfort break are asked to do so discretely and appropriately and not to cause offense to local residents or other riders.
22) Riders are expected to close all gates after they pass unless otherwise instructed. Riders must not leave a gate open for a rider following behind. Gates should be opened and closed and not vaulted. Any rider causing damage to a gate will be liable for any costs to repair said damage.
23) Riders must be considerate to other users of bridleways, tracks, byways and public ways when riding off road. Upon seeing other riders such as horse riders, livestock, walkers farm traffic, fishermen, and other cyclists etc. riders are expected to slowdown and pass with care. Where appropriate, riders should stop and wait at the side of the route for other users such as horse riders to pass safely.
24) Each participant will be fully responsible for any fees or costs incurred or arising from an accident either involving or caused by the rider. This includes but is not exclusive to, fees from the police, mountain rescue, air ambulance, fire and rescue service and the ambulance service.
25) The Event Organisers reserve the right to terminate an individual’s ride on health and safety grounds at any time.
26) In the event of a forecast or active Yellow or Red Met Office Weather Warning affecting either the event build up or the event day itself the event organisers, Rather Be Cycling Ltd, reserve the right to postpone / cancel the event or shorten the event route/s as deemed appropriate.
In the case of cancellation of the event you will be refunded your full entry fee excluding the 6% charged by Results Base for processing entries.
27) The Event Organisers reserve the right to shorten or alter the published route at any time. Event Organisers have the right to stop or cancel the event on the grounds of safety at any time during the event. Participants do not have the right to claim a refund if the route is shortened or altered.
28) The Event Organisers will endeavour to provide fluid and some form of food at designated ‘feed stations’. However, we cannot guarantee supplies will be available at all times and urge riders to only take what they need and be mindful of the needs of those following behind.
29) Participants will be required to attach their rider number for identification purposes and health and safety reasons. These are to be attached to your handlebars / seat post where appropriate.
30) Participants must carry a form of identification showing their name, address and/or contact details of a person to be advised in the eventuality of an accident. It is also advised that all participants carry two drinks bottles, energy bars, tools, replacement inner tubes and suitable wet weather gear, money, mobile phone, spare inner tubes and a working pump (not CO2 canisters), as well as extra clothing to complete the ride being undertaken, taking into account the route and possible adverse weather conditions.
31) In the event that a participant fails to complete the route for any reason, he or she agrees to return to or call the Emergency Contact Details supplied by the Event Organisers before the close of the event and/or report to a member of staff. Not doing so will mean that a search may be organised and the subsequent cost will be billed to the rider.
32) Deferrals are only possible for medical reasons, and participants must provide a doctor’s letter if they wish to defer to 2019. Participants can only defer their place once.
33) Each participant hereby grants Hope Technology Ltd an exclusive, absolute and irrevocable worldwide assignment in perpetuity in the photographs /film /video / electronic representations and/or sound recordings of the participant obtained at the event and grants Hope Technology Ltd the right to use and publish such content in any and all media.
34) Participants declare they are medically fit and able to participate in the challenge. By entering the challenge, the participant waives any liability on the part of the Event Organisers due to medical grounds.