Following on from the cancellation of the 2019 Leicester Marathon / Half Marathon, we would like to offer participants the opportunity to claim a refund of their entry fee. Despite having already incurred costs on the event, we feel that this is the right thing to do given the circumstances and the fact that there will be no Leicester Marathon this year.
However, as a not-for-profit race, we’d like you to consider donating your entry fee to our charity partner LOROS, the Hospice for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
LOROS Hospice provides care and support for more than 2,500 terminally ill patients every year. Your donation would be greatly appreciated and would serve as a crucial contribution in light of this unfortunate situation. The Leicester Marathon raises more than £30,000 for the Hospice each and every year, and therefore, if you choose not to claim your refund, 100% of your entry fee will be donated to LOROS on your behalf.
Please note that we are only able to offer a refund for your original entry fee (minus the 6% registration fee). We will also not issue refunds for any t-shirts purchased online before the event. Any t-shirts purchased will be posted out to you within the next few weeks.
If you had previously deferred your place, then we will honour this deferral into the 2020 event. If however, you claim a refund for your place, this will invalidate your previously agreed deferral.
Unfortunately, due to costs already incurred, we are unable to offer free transfers for runners to next year’s event at this stage.
When will I receive my refund?
The deadline for claiming your entry fee refund is midnight on Tuesday 22nd October 2019. Should no request for a refund have been received by this time, your entry fee will be treated as a donation to our official charity partner LOROS Hospice. The Leicester Marathon will make the donation on your behalf and you do not need to do anything else.
We will email all participants on Monday 21st October 2019 to confirm the refund option that you have currently selected via the process detailed below. Once the refund deadline of Tuesday 22nd October 2019 has passed we will then begin processing refunds. These will be automatically returned back via the debit / credit card from which you originally paid your entry fee when you first registered. You should expect your refund within ten working days of the refund deadline.
Refund Option 1
I do not wish to claim a refund for my entry
In selecting this option you are contributing 100% of your entry fee (minus 6% registration fee) to LOROS Hospice. This donation will exclude the cost of any t-shirts purchased which will be posted out to you as detailed above. The Leicester Marathon will make the donation on your behalf and you do not need to do anything else.
Refund Option 2
I wish to claim a refund for my entry
In selecting this option you will receive a refund amounting to 100% of your original entry fee (minus 6% registration fee). Your refund will exclude the cost of any t-shirts purchased which will be posted out to you as detailed above. It will include any text messages purchased. Please note that the deadline for requesting your refund is midnight on Tuesday 22nd October 2019 as detailed above. Should no request for a refund have been received by this time, your entry fee will be treated as a donation to our official charity partner LOROS Hospice. The Leicester Marathon will make the donation on your behalf and you do not need to do anything else.
How to select your option
IMPORTANT: this process must be done by the person who placed the order and the choice you make will apply to all the participants that you signed up for the Leicester Marathon on that order. If you placed multiple orders you will need to repeat the process for each order.
Step 1
Sign into your Results Base profile and select the 'Your orders' option from the 'My Area' menu (in the black bar at the top of the page).
You will now see a page showing orders you have placed using Results Base similar to the one shown below. Next to the order for the Leicester Marathon you will see 'Signed up (n)' where n is the number of people you signed up on that order. Please click on this 'Signed up' link to get to the next step.
Step 2
Look at the line for the first person on the order and find the Edit Question button (highlighted on the example below). Click this to go to the next step.
Step 3
You will now see the page shown below where you can select an option to either donate your entry to LOROS Hospice, or claim a refund. Please select your preferred option and click save. Once you click save you will be returned to the order screen. Please note that you will not receive a message or email to confirm that your refund option has been updated. You can check your refund option has been saved at any time by clicking the ‘Edit Questions’ button again.
If you have registered multiple people for the event at the same time and paid all in one go, then you need only select your refund option once, and it will apply to all runners within that booking. If you have registered multiple people for the event at different times, i.e. you registered yourself in April, and then your friend in June, then you will need to select the refund option once for each person as these will be separate bookings.
When will I receive my refund?
The deadline for completing this refund process is midnight on Tuesday 22nd October 2019 after which time no further refunds can be claimed. We will email all participants on Monday 21st October 2019 to confirm the refund option that you have currently selected. Once the refund deadline of Tuesday 22nd October 2019 has passed we will then begin processing refunds. These will be automatically returned back via the debit / credit card from which you originally paid your entry fee when you first registered. You should expect your refund within ten working days of the refund deadline.