Stowe Winter Trail Run #2 2020

Stowe Winter Trail Run #2 2020


The Stowe Trail Run, on Sunday 23rd February 2020, is based on a route that takes in the Stowe landscape gardens in Buckinghamshire. It starts and finishes at the visitor centre at the New Inn. Bring family and friends along to cheer you on and celebrate with you at the finish.

The National Trust has made the route available so that you can enjoy the course from the Visitor Centre down to the landscape gardens. The route takes you on a tour around the gardens passing many of the iconic Stowe landmarks.

We want you to enjoy this beautiful part of Buckinghamshire and the mix of paths, grass and gravel tracks. Most of all we want you to stay safe. So please take caution throughout and pay attention to Marshals at all times.

Arriving and parking

Please make sure you give yourself plenty of travelling time. Please make sure that you follow the Stowe National Trust signs (brown signs) to the Visitor Centre which is by the Corinthian Arch.

The event will be taking place at The New Inn Visitor Centre, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 5EQ. Directions are available here.

There will be signs directing you up the main drive towards the Corinthian Arch. As you reach the Arch, follow the road round to the right towards the car park. Please park in the New Inn car park in the designated parking bays. There will be plenty of room. Make sure you drive slowly as the tracks are narrow.


We owe a big thank you to the National Trust at Stowe and the tenant farmers who have made this event available. We need to respect the land and the environment and with this in mind we ask for everyone to please take care and stay litter free. Any littering of any kind goes against the spirit of the event and will undermine attempts to secure access for future events.

There will be bins around the registration and start area so please seek them out if you need to dispose of anything. Also, we strongly advise against the use of Gels. Under no circumstance should litter of any kind be disposed of on the trail.

As with all trail running you are primarily responsible for your own safety. Be respectful to other runners and trail users and first aid personnel.

Family and Friends

The grounds at Stowe are beautiful and it is a great opportunity to bring your family and friends around to support you. We ask for everybody’s co-operation to make sure the event is run in a safe and courteous manner. With this in mind, we ask all family and friends to make their way with you to the registration desk where we will quickly check them in. All visitors must be given an identification label which must remain visible at all times.

People are welcome to walk down the main track however the gardens will be closed to visitors. Please do not stray out on the trail as we really do not want to lose anyone or for people to obstruct the runners. The best places to cheer the runners on will be on the main start and finish areas.


Please arrive in plenty of time for registration and the collection of your number. The Registration desk will be open from 7.15am. All visitors need to check in to receive their identification label. Registration will close at 7.55am. If you decide to take a short warm up, please keep the visitor centre in site at all times.

The Run

This is a trail run around the paths and tracks that predominantly make up the gardens. It is a mix of gravel tracks, grass and paths and the surface will be uneven. Please make sure that you have the appropriate footwear and take care at all times.

There will be Marshalls around the course to provide direction. Also, head phones are not permitted, you need to be aware of what is around you and enjoy the sounds of the evening.

Safety and First Aid

Your safety on the trail is your responsibility. Please inform a Marshall of any medical needs or injuries requiring attention, either on the course or at the finish.

First Aid facilities will be available at the finish. There is a mobile first aid facility so if you are struggling on the trail then please let a Marshall or fellow competitor know and we will get support to you. If for any reason you need to pull out on the trail then please let a Marshall know, make your way back to the start and check in at the timing desk.


There will be tea and coffee available at the start and finish area. Toilet facilities will also be available at the New Inn. There will be no changing facilities so please come prepared.

Race Briefing and Start

We ask everyone to attend the race safety briefing which will be given at 8am. This will be in the vicinity of the Registration Desk. We will then ask runners to make their way to the start for 8.15am. The start takes place on a track which is slightly downhill. This will provide everyone with a chance to get into their stride before we enter the gardens and turn right onto the trail. Please take care as the ground underfoot will be uneven.

6km and 12km

The 6km event is one lap of the course. If you are running the 6km event please follow directions into the finish area at the end of the first lap. The 12km event is 2 laps. There will be a turning point at the end of the first lap and you will head back down the track. There will be a drinks station for those heading out on the second lap. Please dispose of the plastic cups as soon as possible after the drinks station so that we can make sure they are all collected.


Enjoy the finish and make sure you collect your medal. There will be a drinks station at the finish to help you with your recovery. Your time will be available at the timing tent.

There will be awards and prizes and we aim to announce these at around 9.30am.

Leaving the event

Please vacate the car park by 9.50am so that we can clear the site. Please take care as the track out of the New Inn is narrow and there will be people around you. Please drive safely and take care especially as you join the main roads.

And finally…

We really hope you enjoy this trail run and this format. We would especially like to thank the National Trust at Stowe and Tenant farmers who have made this all possible. Have a great run!