
  • Participants must submit an official registration form
  • Participants can opt to take part in either Virtual Brighton 50 (distance only), Virtual Cycle to Bruges (distance only) or Virtual Pyrenees Raid (distance only)
  • All ages are welcome to take part in the Cycle.


  • COVID-19: Participants must ensure they are following current UK government guidelines and practice safe social distancing measures.
  • Participants taking part in YMCA East Surrey virtual events do so entirely at their own risk and are 100% responsible for selecting a safe route to cycle.
  • The Virtual Cycle involves a level of sustained physical activity. Participants make the decision to take part and must be satisfied that this activity is suitable for them as individuals.  YMCA East Surrey cannot be held accountable for aggravation to illness or injury sustained due to participation in this activity.
  • We strongly advise that all participants wear appropriate headgear, footwear and clothing to ensure their safe and enjoyable participation.


  • Participants can raise sponsorship via an online sponsor form which can be set up using the following link http://www.justgiving.com/fundraising-page/creation/?cid=12437&eid=6037888
  • Please ask all those who sponsor you to tick the Gift Aid box where applicable, so we can make their donation go 25% further for our charitable work.
  • All funds raised by your participation in events in support of YMCA East Surrey are raised for the sole purpose and benefit of YMCA East Surrey (registered charity no. 1075028) and those who receive the support from its services.

How to provide evidence

  • After completing your virtual Cycle, you must upload your distance or alternatively upload your Strava route/ fitness tracker/ treadmill display on the event website.
  • By uploading photographs on the event page, you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. If you do not wish these photographs to be used, please inform the event organiser on kim.roderick@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk
  • YMCA East Surrey reserves the right to update its terms and conditions in relation to the virtual Cycle at any time prior to the event.