50 athletes (373,640.8 km)



373,640.8 km

1 Hull Radiotherapy 44,241.0 km
2 Leeds Radiotherapy 34,117.8 km
3 Worcestershire Oncology Centre 27,897.8 km
4 Varian GBI 24,176.2 km
5 Churchill Radiotherapy Runners 23,256.6 km
6 Clatterbridge Radiotherapy 22,624.4 km
7 Vision RT 15,872.0 km
8 Team Taunton 14,377.5 km
9 POC Radiotherapy 13,703.4 km
10 UHB Radiotherapy 13,134.1 km
11 Kent Oncology Centre 12,202.4 km
12 Elekta Electrons 11,405.8 km
13 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 10,691.0 km
14 Manchester MRL Rads 7,460.6 km
15 Northampton Radiotherapy 6,623.4 km
16 Vertual Insanity 6,291.4 km
17 Notts RAD Arrows 6,139.2 km
18 Arden Adventurers 6,078.7 km
19 Reading R Ready 5,858.8 km
20 North Wales CTC 5,419.6 km
21 Move Your Maximus for RT 5,287.4 km
22 Rutherford Health 5,054.6 km
23 SHU RONC 1st years 4,973.4 km
24 WPH Radiotherapy 4,728.0 km
25 Lockdown Lunges 4,503.6 km
26 GCU Radiotherapy Students 4,277.1 km
27 Price Jones Ltd 4,081.0 km
28 Team - Manchester Protons 3,864.1 km
29 BHRUT Radiotherapy 3,757.0 km
30 Guy's Cancer Guys 2,726.9 km
31 Team OSL 2,565.7 km
32 Team OIS 2,455.1 km
33 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine 2,254.6 km
34 SoR Student Forum 2,002.8 km
35 Radiotherapy @ TCPC 1,986.0 km
36 Lanarkshire Beatson 1,790.3 km
38 Team AR 1,050.5 km
39 Hynd Healthcare Ltd - RadPro 890.0 km
40 LSBU TR Soc 805.1 km
41 Brainlab 512.7 km
42 Creamed legs 426.3 km
43 Team Hogans 425.0 km
44 Royal Derby Radiotherapy 224.7 km
45 Team Tutill 158.4 km
46 A & N go running 76.0 km
47 Team Humph 39.7 km
48 Suffolk Shufflers 31.5 km
49 Elekta Global Talent 0.0 km
50 The Trotts 0.0 km