The Blaydon Race 2022

The Blaydon Race 2022


Bibno. Participant CategoryDistance
2362Kerry Swindon-Blaydon Race
2415Kerry Turner-Blaydon Race
2671Kevin Buckley-Blaydon Race
296Kevin Clarke-Blaydon Race
319Kevin Connolly-Blaydon Race
2763Kevin Cradock-Blaydon Race
345Kevin Craig-Blaydon Race
404Kevin Donkin-Blaydon Race
2861Kevin Fairley-Blaydon Race
2877Kevin Flanighan-Blaydon Race
548Kevin Guttridge-Blaydon Race
2942Kevin Hall-Blaydon Race
648Kevin Hopps-Blaydon Race
3040Kevin Jewitt-Blaydon Race
3150Kevin Marshall-Blaydon Race
3149Kevin Marshall-Blaydon Race
860Kevin McKitterick-Blaydon Race
904Kevin Morson-Blaydon Race
3257Kevin Nealings-Blaydon Race
3302Kevin Pearson-Blaydon Race
3378Kevin Roberts-Blaydon Race
1111Kevin Scott-Blaydon Race
3465Kevin South-Blaydon Race
3479Kevin Stephenson-Blaydon Race
1184Kevin Steven-Blaydon Race
3489Kevin Stokoe-Blaydon Race
3524Kevin Thew-Blaydon Race
1232Kevin Thomas-Blaydon Race
1361Kevin Wilson-Blaydon Race
1049Kieran Ridley-Blaydon Race
19Kieron Day-Blaydon Race
3175Killian McCartney-Blaydon Race
1411Kim Andren-Blaydon Race
1749Kim Fox-Blaydon Race
4010Kim Hardy-Blaydon Race
1959Kim Kyle-Blaydon Race
1958Kim Kyle-Blaydon Race
763kim lancaster-Blaydon Race
2037Kim Matthews-Blaydon Race
4316Kim Proud-Blaydon Race
59Kimberly Simpson-Blaydon Race Free
550Kirk Haddon-Blaydon Race
3106Kirk Leech-Blaydon Race
4127Kirsteen Kilgour-Blaydon Race
4156Kirsteen Longstaff-Blaydon Race
1432Kirsten Baines-Blaydon Race
2010Kirsten Loy-Blaydon Race
2072Kirsten Meaney-Blaydon Race
2097Kirsten Moorin-Blaydon Race
2153Kirsti Otterson-Blaydon Race

Event Charity