Hardest Hundred Forest of Bowland 2022

Hardest Hundred Forest of Bowland 2022

Chip timeParticipant
8:05Fi Aston
8:52:11Nick Barlow
9:00:05Sietse Boekel
8:12:04Shane Briggs
7:22:27Chris Bristow
7:52:46Ian Broadhurst
1:43:41Nigel Brodrick
8:51:14David Brown
6:44:09Stephen Chaplin
8:44:02Ian Charlton
8:05Marcus Chester
5:17:50Andrew Collinson
8:19:49Graeme Cox
9:41:28Graham Curry
4:25:20Christopher Dean
5:18:10Peter Donaldson
9:04:26Ian Dryburgh
9:00:34Gareth Dyson
7:00:01David Everard
7:45:10Daryl Fahy
8:05Paul Feather
8:43:16Hans Gellersen
1:43:41Sarah Goddard
8:04Mark Gornall
8:50:08Robin Green
8:46:03Stephen Hannon
1:43:41David Harvey
8:50:02Andrew Hastwell
8:52:08Damian Hayes
1:43:41Tommy Henders
9:17:07Steven Holden
1:43:39Rob Hurst
5:06:02Chris Ives
8:05Emil Khan
8:19:08Rob Laughton
8:50:06Michael Leadbeater
7:22:23Jonathan Lee
9:00:10Edward Mantel
9:00:11Frederik Mantel
8:19:59Rob Marsh
5:53:28Robert Marsh
8:54:58James Mayers
9:17:07Stephen Morris
4:38:49Greg Moulds
1:43:41Fergus Murray
7:26:00Peter Norris
7:21:30Jordan Podda
6:49Martin Ridgway
1:43:42Craig Robertson
7:00:04Nicholas Robins

Timing by Glorious Cycling.