30 October 2023 -
15 November 2023

Go the Distance with Hill Dickinson

Monday 30th October to Sunday 12th November

The goal for your team is to travel the 4607.6km / 2,863 miles from the Hill Dicks Liverpool office to the Piraeus office taking in our European offices along the way so hitting Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, London City, London Mayfair and Monaco.

You can run, walk, cycle, swim, row and the distance is converted to foot miles using a formula making this fair and accessible to all.

Get signed up to the Strava Group and post your pictures and give some kudos to your fellow participants. https://www.strava.com/clubs/768317

Bonus miles will be awarded duing the challenge for best selfie, most exotic location, most mud and special prize for anyone who sends pictures from HD office locations.

Activity Conversion
Running 1:1
Walking 1:1
Cycling 3:1
Rowing/Kayaking 1:1
Swimming 1:4
Other (Kayaking/Paddleboarding) 1:1
 Event information
30 October 2023
15 November 2023
Registration is closed

 More information
Go the distance