Terms and Conditions of Entry

By entering the Cornelly Striders Prince of Wales New Year’s Day Race you will agree to abide by these Conditions of Entry and all instructions given to you by the organisers or marshals or police at the event.

1. Cornelly Striders have no liability for any cancellation outside of the control of organisers, for example extremely poor weather, government restrictions on events, or any other act of God that is not foreseeable by the organisers.

2. The organisers decisions will be final as to whether the event will go ahead on the planned date. The organisers shall not be liable in respect of any costs and expenses you may incur, as a result of, such cancellation.

3. Entrants must be 16 years of age or over on the event date, proof of age may be required.

4. You agree that we may publish your Personal Information as part of the results of the event and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance, licences or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with or compared to other events. Results may include (but not be limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times and age category.

5. All participants are strongly advised to consult their doctor prior to undertaking any exercise programme. If you have a medical condition, you must detail this when registering for the event. You are responsible for ensuring that you have undertaken any necessary preparation and training to enter and participate in any run. You warrant to us that you will be, on the date of the run, sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in the run unaided and in accordance with the event rules. If you are in any doubt. we recommend that you seek medical advice.

6. By entering the race you give permission for the use of your image (if acquired) by Cornelly Striders on various social media platforms and press release.

7. For your safety please do not bring pets or other animals.

8. For safety reasons and primarily for identification by medical staff, the swapping, sale, resale or transfer of race numbers is strictly prohibited.

9. The wearing of headphones, or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed), is not permitted. – this rule is for your own safety – you may need to hear instructions from marshals. Anyone seen using headphones will be disqualified.

10. Runners may be refused entry if the reduction in fees is claimed, and they are not affiliated to an athletic council.

11. No refunds will be given for runners who are unable to take part.

12. Parking at Kenfig Nature Reserve is a Pay Before You Leave Car Park and the fee or any fine is the participants responsibility.

Disclaimer: By entering the Prince of Wales New Years Day Race you are accepting all the conditions of entry and acknowledge that the organisers shall not be liable for unforeseen personal injury, death, loss or damage of belongings as a consequence of your participation in the event. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.