The Tour of Pembrokeshire 2017

The Tour of Pembrokeshire 2017


Chip timeParticipant
10:05:31Jonathan Owen
6:27:16Caron Owen Pugh
6:07:42Gary Parkes
6:51:55Kevin Parks
6:46:33Andy Parr
5:58:03Jessica Parry-williams
6:10:33James Passmore
9:08:19Sean Paterson
4:45:21Scott Patrick
6:34:19Matthew Payne
7:35:44Scott Pegler
7:03:20Julian Penney
7:03:19Steve Penney
6:20:01Roger Phelps
8:03:57Adam Phillips
8:17:31Denise Phillips
7:22:58Scott Phillips
7:32:58Simon Phillips
7:11:08Anne Picton
8:35:05Tom Pierce
6:14:14Dean Pike
6:01:16Carl Platel
6:34:48Helen Platel
6:57:54Keith Powell
9:17:04Margaret Powell
8:06:48Terry Powell
7:10:59Elaine Price
6:44:06Gareth Price
7:57:19Gary Price
6:23:42Thomas Price
7:24:40Ralph Priller
5:26:32Jason Pritchard
7:25:53Mark Prust
6:34:39Steve Pryke
8:11:58Andrew Quinn
7:15:30Lucy (Aka Peter) Rattenberry
9:26:17Mike Rawson
7:56:20Carl Reed
6:42:31Alun Rees
5:09:19Andrew Rees
7:17:47Ben Rees
5:16:20Conrad Rees
6:18:00Don Rees
7:22:39Gareth Rees
6:21:52Jane Rees
6:24:42John Rees
5:54:26Michael Rees
8:14:10Simon Rees
6:42:29Steffan Rees
6:57:14Philip Reeves

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