The Dirty Reiver 2017

The Dirty Reiver 2017


Chip timeParticipant
9:20:21Jackie Reid
10:03:49Hugo Reynolds
10:57:37David Rice
10:13:31Stuart Rider
12:25:35Shaun Riley
9:42:58Sam Ring
10:35:27James Roberts
11:15:59Andrew Robinson
13:06:44David Robinson
10:56:36Mark Rockett
12:44:39Damian Roebuck
8:54:13Toby Rome
11:39:46Mike Roper
10:07:19Clare Ross
8:15:08Rich Rothwell
11:18:10Jamie Rundle
-Ian Rutherford
10:01:55Mally Ryan
12:54:49Tony Ryan
11:50:38Andrew Sage
-Eric Salt
12:29:47Raju Sangra
11:27:05David Sapsford
9:54:07Christopher Saunders
12:52:12Torsten Schenkel
13:35:07Mat Schmidt
8:56:07William Scorey
10:00:38Graeme Scott
9:45:11Richie Scott
11:30:02John Sedgwick
13:38:44Shai Shammai
10:33:25Simon Shaw
8:49:35David Sheek
8:16:00Ed Shoote
8:19:37Philip Simcock
10:35:01Paul Simmonds
11:20:15Mick Simpson
9:46:06Jonathan Sims
10:02:17Mark Singleton
10:39:40Duncan Slater
11:39:03Clare Smith
13:15:00Daniel Snape
10:27:07Paul Spencer
8:51:34Bruce Spilsbury
11:02:27Cameron Staniland
10:00:38Mike Stead
12:40:33Paul Steadman
12:26:54Matt Stone
10:47:08Dave Suddes
11:00:07Will Sullivan

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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