Bloomberg Square Mile - Singapore 2017

Bloomberg Square Mile - Singapore 2017

Global rank City rank Team Time
251 8 Dodge & Cox 2 1:02:24
252 4 中国银行爱跑者精英队 1:02:26
253 8 Pagegroup 1:02:28
254 4 Yelp 1:02:28
255 7 Consolidated Press Holdings 1:02:31
256 8 Epoch Capital 1 1:02:32
257 8 BFAM Partners 1:02:33
258 6 Bank Of America Merrill Lynch 1 1:02:40
259 25 Football Radar 1:02:40
260 9 Cbre 1:02:42
261 7 Insead Alumni Club 1:02:42
262 8 Mitsubishi Corporation Rtm International R 1:02:44
263 14 The D.E. Shaw Group 1 1:02:45
264 15 Bay Crest Partners 1:02:45
265 11 Monex Europe 1 1:02:46
266 4 Credit Agricole Cib 1 1:02:46
267 3 Deutsche Bank 1:02:49
268 6 中国金融期货交易所 1:02:49
269 21 ICU Wolves 1:02:49
270 22 Apollo 1:02:50
271 5 Mastercard - Dream Team 1:02:52
272 23 Marshall Wace Asset Management 2 1:02:55
273 9 Susquehanna Pacific 1 1:02:55
274 6 Norges Bank Investment Management 1 1:02:57
275 9 Acore Capital 1:02:57
276 16 Axonic Capital LLC 1:02:58
277 22 Barclays_2 1:02:58
278 11 Bloomberg Bolt 1:02:59
279 24 Jump Trading 1 1:03:00
280 23 Deutsche Securities Inc 1:03:00
281 9 Smrt Corporation Ltd 1:03:01
282 10 Goldman Sachs Dream Team 1:03:01
283 12 CIL Management Consultants 1:03:04
284 25 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2 1:03:04
285 10 Bank Of America Merrill Lynch 1 1:03:05
286 13 Stephenson Harwood 1:03:05
287 7 Worldquant (Singapore) Pte Ltd 1 1:03:06
288 14 Credit Agricole CIB 3 1:03:08
289 11 Bloomberg FLASH 1:03:10
290 26 Mako Europe 1:03:11
291 16 Liquidnet 3 1:03:12
292 24 Achilles 1:03:14
293 11 Insead Alumni Club 1:03:17
294 25 Mitsubishi Corporation Industrial Materials Group 1:03:17
295 6 Bloomberg Team 1 1:03:17
296 9 Smrt Corporation Ltd 1:03:19
297 27 Commercial 1:03:19
298 4 CohnReznick Capital Markets Securities 1:03:20
299 12 Prudential Corporation Asia 1 1:03:20
300 1 Mustangroup 1:03:21