Chip timeParticipant
6:29:21Mark Wilkin
4:18:57Bruce Wilkinson
3:00:26Mary Wilkinson
4:07:17Andrew Willetts
5:16:40Dave Williams
6:13:55Rhian Williams
6:09:45Stephen Williams
4:21:40Mark Willis
3:57:17Chris Wilson
4:20:42Dawn Winstanley
-Jon Wiseman
3:38:52Mark Wood
4:43:35Stephen Woodend
5:41:22Ronnie Woods
4:36:26Anthony Wooldridge
6:49:49Anthony Worrall
4:20:01Michael Worthington
4:17:25Matthew Wren
5:00:03Jon Wright
5:46:26Hannah Yates
4:31:33Nicolas Young
3:00:11Steve Young

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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