Chip timeParticipant
5:34:26Neil Tilson
4:43:03Marcio Tomaz Bonifacio
4:55:28Owen Tomlin
4:45:21Ben Tonge
6:26:10Edward Towers
4:54:50Simon Town
4:52:46Peter Traynor
5:16:47Henry Turner
4:23:38Jack Turner
4:14:58John Turner
4:23:36Malcolm Turner
4:47:03Ian Tyson
5:23:04Ricky Usher
3:38:38Mark Vance
4:47:02Peter Vince
5:38:29Guloo Virdee
3:21:26Kevin Wake
3:20:59Lewis Wake
4:43:34Fran Walker
4:40:20Ian Walker
5:39:20Alan Wall
4:29:20Nicola Wallbank
5:29:02Andrew Walter
4:48:28Colin Walton
5:02:22Ruth Walton
4:48:52Andy Ward
3:58:29Lee Wareing
5:48:03Emily Warner
5:48:13Phill Warner
3:54:32Chris Warren
4:33:34George Warren
5:56:33Paul Waterhouse
5:34:30Dan Waters
4:31:33Kieron Waterworth
4:30:26Graham Watson
3:51:50Martin Watson
3:51:48Mike Watson
4:54:45Philip Watson
3:55:01Pete Waywell
4:58:39Paul Webster
6:37:13Diane Wellock
6:37:13Ian Wellock
4:00:34Robert Weymouth
4:54:53Jonathan White
4:33:21Stuart Whitehead
4:01:37Robert Whitfield
4:55:25Anne Whittingham
4:56:16Richard Wignall
5:17:27Neil Wilkes
6:29:21Clare Wilkin

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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