Chip timeParticipant
6:16:46Karen Butler
4:47:07Mick Butler
6:58:59Mike Butler
5:40:31Simon Butterworth
5:21:41Richard Byerley
6:40:45Chris Byrne
6:50:30Geoffrey Byrne
6:16:25Martin Cain
6:53:44Karen Caldwell
4:36:15I Callan
4:24:36John Callender
-Andrew Campbell
4:48:33Jimmy Campbell
6:12:45Jan Cane
6:13:15Paul Cane
5:45:44Craig Carloss
4:01:23David Carpenter
4:47:45Richard Carruthers
6:22:31Ron Carter
5:23:05Jeff Catling
5:05:50Martin Catterall
4:32:25Nina Caygill
5:50:24Andy Chadwick
4:06:20Philip Chadwick
4:48:29Paul Charnock
5:20:39David Chippendale
5:18:44John Clark
4:39:24Mark Clark
4:55:25Nicola Clark
4:43:33Jonathan Clemson
5:16:57Lynda Clough
4:41:13Robin Clough
4:41:48Jamie Clowes
4:46:05Darren Collier
4:33:10Graham Collier
4:37:06Richard Collins
4:46:00Darren Collyer
4:12:04Chris Connor
5:19:12Naomi Connor
4:39:07Craig Coombes
4:27:23Andrew Cooney
5:25:07Becky Cooper
5:44:56Billy Cooper
4:55:53Mike Cooper
6:47:52David Coppel
5:30:45Lee Costello
4:53:38Suzanne Costello
-Christian Coulthard
3:25:12Mark Covell
5:46:27Charlotte Cox

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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