The Tour of Pembrokeshire 2022

The Tour of Pembrokeshire 2022


Chip time Participant
7:37:07Paul Brewer
8:56:13Michael Russell
9:44:15Jane Ryall
8:49:43Benjamin Ryder
8:11:55Steve Sanges
10:21:52Adam Sawyer
-Darren Scammell
9:54:03Theresa Schulz
8:06:00Anonymous Participant
10:01:50Gareth Scurlock
8:10:06Lutfi Shamsuddin
8:10:26Stuart Sheath
9:31:37Daniel Simons
8:24:13Gavin Sims
8:10:25Duncan Sinclair
-Dave Skirrow
8:25:47Marc Bright
6:41:59Shaun Slaughter
9:45:48Stephanie Small
-Joanne Smedley
9:01:28Jeff Smith
8:01:37Michael Smith
9:01:28Darryl Smith
10:00:35Russell Stapleton
-Gareth Stephens
-Carys Brimble
9:21:32William Stocker
7:23:02Mark Stoneman
9:45:38Paul Streets
9:28:46Richard Suller
7:40:30Liam Sullivan
-Anonymous Participant
6:48:27Mark Suret
6:24:56Patrick Swann
-Ward Broughton
9:56:45Gregor Tait
9:30:16Robbie Tait
7:52:54Jeremy Tanguay
7:52:57Jake Tanguay
6:12:17John Tanguay
6:59:05Paul Tarney
8:34:59Neil Tatham
-Anonymous Participant
7:20:03Tommy Taylor
-Jeremy Theobald
-Alun Brown
5:47:08Vincent Thomas
9:54:40Miles Thomas
10:05:47Alan Thomas
9:48:30Steven Thomas

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