The Brass Monkey Ballot 2025

The Brass Monkey Ballot 2025

Entrants must be aged 18 or over.

In accordanve with UKA Rules (see RULE T55 (240) S 5) and for safety reasons, headphones are not permitted to be worn during the race. Refusal to remove such an item when asked by an event official may result in disqualification.

All entrants must complete the medical emergency information on the back of their bib number.

All entrants must wear their assigned number, clearly and visibly on the front of their torso during the race.

At all times all entrants must adhere to all instructions given by event officials.

The event organisers will not be liable for any loss of property, damage to property or personal injury incurred during the event.

All entrants permit any race photos or videos to be used for promotional and/or news reporting purposes.

You are not permitted to use the following items in the event:-

  • any wheeled device (unless a permitted wheelchair);
  • any artificial aid;
  • any pets or animals; or any other item that could potentially inhibit the flow or safety of other participants or which we, in our reasonable opinion, deem may cause danger or risk of danger to you or other participants.

The race organisers reserve the right to delay, postpone, cancel, or not officially time the race in the event of adverse weather conditions. The determination of what constitutes adverse weather conditions is reserved solely to the race organisers.

Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. In the event of cancellation of the event we will have no responsibility for any costs incurred as a result of cancellation including any travel or accommodation costs.

The race organisers reserve the right to make additions, changes, or clarifications to the event or these rules without prior notice to entrants. The race organisers will endeavour to advise entrants of any rule change prior to the race, but any such change shall be considered binding upon all entrants whether or not an entrant has received notice of the change prior to the race.

All rules are subject to interpretation by the race organisers. All decisions of the race organisers are final.

The race organisers reserve the right to reject or disqualify any entrant whose conduct is inappropriate to the spirit of the race.

Violation of any of the rules indicated herein may result in disqualification of any entrant for this and/or future events. The decision of the race organisers is final.

Entrants agree that the Personal Information relating to them can be stored, used by us and our event partners in connection with the organisation, staging and administration of the event.