Pos.Finish time Participant
--Chris Noye
--Chris Nutter
--Robin O Dowd
--David O'Loughlin
--Alison Oldham
--Tom Oldham
--Sue Oliver
--Paul Beard
--Andy Ormrod
--Rachel Orton
--Jude Osborne
--David Owen
--Tom Page
--Dick Palmer
--Simon Parker
--Maria Parkinson
--John Passmoor
--Jane Patel
--Scott Beddow
--Jason Pedley
--Campbell Perry
--Richard Perry
--Neil Pickles
--Nina Pilkington
--Richard Pitchford
--Andrew Pitts
--Chris Platt
--Debbie Platt
--David Plews
--David Belcher
--Lesley Postlethwaite
--Robert Postlethwaite
--Julie Potter
--Brian Powell
--Dougie Pratt
--Cara Prevett
--Toby Price
--Susan Purcell
--Jennifer Pybis
--Tina Pye
--Alistair Bell
--Jane Queenan
--Paul Quinn
--Jeremy Rabjohns
--Simon Rabjohns
--Elizabeth Radford
--David Randall
--Sharon Randall
--Helen Reade
--Mark Reay

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: info@epicevents.co.uk