Pos.Finish time Participant
--John Sinnott
--Mark Sisson
--Craig Skidmore
--John Sleightholme
--Mark Bewley
--Steven Smethurst
--Caroline Smith
--Maxwell Smith
--Stuart Smith
--Luke Snetzler
--Mike Solan
--Joseph Southall
--Mick Sparrow
--Ben Spedding
--Michael Spence
--Paul Bewley
--Jacqueline Spiby
--Glyn Stead
--Jonathan Stead
--Dave Stephenson
--Les Stephenson
--Phil Stephenson
--Ian Stewart
--Kate Stewart
--Craig Stitt
--Robin Stokes
--Jayne Bickerstaff
--Diane Stretch
--Christopher Sullivan
--Graham Sumbler
--Nicola Sumbler
--Garry Summerson
--Matthew Swain
--Ciaran Talbot
--Norman Tarbuck
--Adam Taylor
--Dean Taylor
--Mark Birk
--Fiona Taylor
--Neil Taylor
--Stu Taylor
--David Thomas
--Lyndon Thomas
--Damian Thompson
--Dean Thompson
--Suzanne Thompson
--Craig Thomson
--Mel Wardle
--Stuart Adams
--Graham Biscoe

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: info@epicevents.co.uk