Pos.Finish time Participant
--Michael Rhodes
--Andrew Bell
--Tony Richmond
--Tim Riding
--Guy Ridley
--Matthew Riley
--Paul Riley
--Georgia Roberts
--James Roberts
--Lisa Roberts
--Nick Robins
--Annette Robinson
--Mathew Bell
--Chris Robinson
--Neil Robinson
--Stephen Robinson
--Colin Robson
--Simon Roddam
--Mark Rodhouse
--Katherine Rogers
--Kevin Rogers
--Peter Rogerson
--William Roskell
--Mark Bennett
--Andrew Roughley
--Matthew Routledge
--Nathan Routledge
--Stuart Routledge
--Susan Routledge
--Heather Rowe
--Lucy Rowley
--Melanie Russell
--Allan Rutland
--Sarah Rycroft
--Sue Bennett
--Edward Ryder
--Andy Sallabank
--Peter Sanderson
--Tracy Seeley
--Jane Senior
--Bill Sergeson
--Brian Seward
--Mark Seward
--David Shaw
--Martin Shearing
--Viv Sherry
--David Showell
--John Showell
--Ian Shuttleworth
--Katie Simm

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: info@epicevents.co.uk