1. All participants enter the event entirely at their own risk. The organisers shall not be liable for any injury or loss that participants suffer as a result of taking part in the event
  2. Personal liability, medical, belongings/equipment or personal accident insurance is NOT provided by Big Cow Sports.
  3. If at any time it is discovered that any Participant should have been ineligible to participate in the event (or if participation in the event should have been refused for any reason whatsoever), the organisers reserve the right to disqualify from/refuse entry to such participant to the event.
  4. By taking part in the event, you confirm that you are happy for your name, age category, gender and club/membership to be visible as part of our results. If you wish to be anonymous please use the privacy settings on your Results Base profile. 
  5. By taking part in the event, you confirm that you are happy for any footage or photographs taken during your participation in the event to be used by Big Cow Sports, to publicise the event in the future.
  6. If your personal details (address, email, contact number etc) change after you have submitted your entry, you must update them on Results Base. All personal information will be held per GDPR regulations.
  7. There will be no water stations around the course. Water will be provided for participants at the Finish Line only.
  8. All participants are expected to respect the land on which the event is being held.
  9. During the event, you must fully comply with the instructions of the organisers, safety teams, emergency services and marshals.
  10. British Triathlon will require athlete name, age category, date of birth, Home Nations membership number (if applicable) email address and club name (if applicable) of all entrants for the purpose of processing the results, prizes and GB Age-Group team selection (details of which may be uploaded to the internet and shared on social media, other than date of birth which shall be kept confidential and used for data processing only), and for membership promotion and survey distribution.


You must not attend the race under any circumstances if you are displaying, have displayed in the last 14 days, or have been in contact with anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms as highlighted on the NHS website:

By attending the race, you are declaring:
  1. that you are free from covid-19 and the symptoms listed on the NHS website
  2. that you have been free from covid-19 and covid-19 symptoms for 14 days prior to the event date
  3. that you have not been in contact with any person who has covid-19 or who has been displaying any of the symptoms in the 14 days prior to the event dates
  4. that you are not currently living in an area of local lockdown in the Governments new tiered system. If your city does go into local lockdown after entering, you MUST get in touch and inform us. 


  1. If the event is cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations, participants will have the option of a deferral, a voucher code up to the amount of the entry ticket or a refund minus the booking fee.
  2. In any other circumstance a refund will not be offered.  As an organiser we start to incur costs for the event from the moment the dates are booked. As the event draws closer, ever-increasing costs are incurred to the point where we cannot recover any of them, regardless of whether you race.
  3. Event withdrawals and applications for transfers will be accepted via email or post only. Telephone notice of cancellation or transfer will NOT be accepted.


  1. The organisers reserve the right to alter the race format, eg. to duathlon or aquathlon if the weather, route, or other issue makes it necessary. No refunds will be given. 
  2. The organisers reserve the right to change the date of the event. In the event of such a change, and if the participant is unable to attend on the revised date, they have 14 days to inform the organisers in writing from when the date change is announced, to receive a voucher up to the amount of their entry which can be used to purchase any Big Cow Sports event.
  3. The organisers reserve the right to alter the start time of the event. In the event of such a change, the participant will be notified of the revised start time with as much notice as reasonably practicable. No refund, in full or in part, shall be made in this circumstance.


  1. Refunds will not be payable if we are forced to cancel, or in any way change the event due to war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions, pandemics or epidemics or other circumstances amounting to force majeure.
  2. In the unlikely event of the cancellation/postponement of sporting events for whatever reason, Big Cow Sports cannot be held responsible in any way for any monetary loss, inconvenience, or any other circumstances outside of our control; the participant will not be entitled to any refund of the registration fee or any compensation of other losses, such as travelling or accommodation expenses.


  1. If you wish to transfer your place to another person this should be completed using the online transfer process at least 30 days prior to the date of the event.
  2. For transfers within 30 days the new athlete must visit the registration desk at the event to register their details, this will be subject to a £5 admin charge.
  3. Any athletes found to be running with a race number in another persons’ name or participating without a valid entry will be disqualified and may be blocked from entering any future events, this is in accordance with UKA guidelines.
  4. For any transfers made within 30 days of the event date, the race pack and runners materials (such as race number) will use the original runner’s name.


  1. Requests to defer your entry to the same event in the following year must be submitted via e-mail at least working 30 days before the date of the event. We reserve the right to refuse deferral of your entry at any point.
  2. A place which has been deferred once may not be deferred again.  
  3. Close to next year’s event an email will be sent out containing a link to re-register for the event of which a £5 fee will apply. 


  1. British Triathlon may take photographs and/or video footage for the purpose of reporting on the Event, and advertising for future events, to include in printed media, digital content and social media. 
  2. I understand that I may be photographed and/or videoed while taking part in this event and that my image may appear in an event gallery or subsequent promotional material.
  3. By taking part in the event, you confirm that you are happy for any footage or photographs taken during your participation in the event to be used by Big Cow Sports, to publicise the event in the future.