Chip timeParticipant
3:24:24Robert Patchett
3:38:23Vijay Patel
3:51:47David Peace
3:56:22Caitlin Pearson
3:50:31Jason Pedley
4:27:44Ben Pekarek
4:18:51Keith Penney
4:38:45Andrew Perry
3:51:40Lewis Petcher
5:19:51Ian Peters
4:34:24Ian Peters
5:12:50Michelle Peters
4:31:37Jill Phethean
4:31:39Stuart Phethean
6:32:11Simon Phiilips
4:48:28George Philipson
3:34:31Mark Pickering
5:18:18Nina Pilkington
5:16:39David Pimblett
3:53:53Tony Pitcher
5:17:01Kevin Platt
6:16:44Julie Potter
4:20:38Isaac Presland
4:38:41Christine Preston
5:12:38Cara Prevett
4:42:36Andrew Pringle
4:42:37Mindy Pringle
3:25:48Steve Proctor
5:44:45Susan Purcell
3:32:30Kevin Purvis
5:29:02Martin Ramsay
5:13:39Jon Ranby
5:13:33Tanya Ranby
6:26:49Louise Ratcliffe
4:17:19John Rea
6:57:34Kathryn Reeves
6:57:40Michael Reeves
5:08:20Gordon Reid
3:52:11Paul Rennie
5:12:16Andrew Renshaw
5:12:19Claire Renshaw
5:45:42Jennifer Rhodes
5:34:49Tony Richmond
3:04:41David Ricketts
3:13:31Lee Ridden
3:26:59Mark Ridden
4:57:55John Riding
5:07:49Andrew Riley
5:29:13Aidan Roberts
3:12:00David Roberts

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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